Arthur Furlan and Felipe Tomaz launched Configr in 2013 to deliver cloud services to small- and mid-size companies throughout South America. The company helps its customers grow, democratizing cloud server usage and offering the best hosting technology for agencies, freelancers, and businesses of all sizes.
The co-founders had worked with hyperscale cloud providers in the past and found the complexity, lack of transparency, and high costs a challenge. For their new business, they needed a cloud partner that could provide high-performance infrastructure at low, predictable rates coupled with a people-focused service approach.

“Our clients are not cloud infrastructure experts,” said Felipe, Configr’s COO. “They are from industries like digital marketing or e-commerce that don’t typically have the knowledge or staff to install, configure, and maintain their own cloud infrastructure. We provide technical and people expertise so they can focus on growing their business.”
One of Configr’s core values is the ability to simplify running a business in the cloud. Linode aligns with this mission.
“With other cloud vendors, pricing is not as clear as it should be, and support is an afterthought,” said Felipe. “Linode’s pricing is transparent. We can also contact Linode directly and have extremely technical discussions when needed.”

Linode makes reliably managing a variety of software and applications simple to implement and package for Configr’s growing customer base.
“They offer us great infrastructure to run applications and software in safe environments with great connections,” said Arthur, Configr’s CEO “We are able to simplify technology for our clients.”
Configr has grown to hosting more than 3,000 servers with Linode.

“Because Linode offers fantastic infrastructure, despite the distance, we’re able to provide a low-latency connection that’s better than our provider here in Brazil,” said Arthur. “They offer us a great price point without a compromise in performance, or forcing tools and features on us we don’t want. They also give us the service experience we need to help our customers grow.”
One of Configr’s core values is the ability to simplify running a business in the cloud. Linode aligns with this mission.
As the future of cloud computing in Brazil and throughout South America continues to grow, Configr and Linode remain dedicated to delivering simple, reliable, and easy-to-scale managed cloud services while offering optimal costs and performance to individuals and businesses across the continent.